Let's start the tour at Shuze, where we have our bios, and the show description & information

The Left side of Shuze, our "group" window

The Artist Bios

Marcie's Installation at Shuze

Timi's Installation at Tallarico's Chocolates

Bea's Installation at Cleo's Silversmith Studio & Gallery

Corey's Installation at Home & Planet

Merissa's & Massies Installations at the former Clothesline Organics

Meghan's Installation at Marla Duran's

The Ladies posed for a group shot at the opening reception in Clothesline Organics

Marcie installed her Toy Theater in Shuze's window, recreating the trees in her video

A screen shot of Marcie's Film "By My Voice I Shall Be Known"; Her archetype is Oracle & Storyteller

A screen shot of the video with Marcie's friend & dancer, Lindsey Gilmour

An interior shot of items collected on the toy theaters' stage

Timi's Piece "Untitled" personifying the archetype of Crazy Cat Lady

Bea's diptych "Shades of Tiffany Blue and Gun Metal Grey" for her archetype working woman

Bea's Installation at Cleo's will take on a whole new perspective if you take a trip inside, but we'll save that for you to see in person

Corey's Installation at Home & Planet has a beautiful presence when lit at night

Corey's piece, by day from across the road

On opening night Corey did a performance, adding to her piece "Woven" while telling stories and carrying on traditions for her archetype of Matriarch

Merissa's Installation "Strength, Warmth, Energy, Energy, Energy"

Merissa's piece is a mobile above, constantly rotating powered by a small motor

At night, the silk backdrop colors create a whole new sense of scale

The progression forward of the mobile, as it moves above the grounded stump, telling the story of Persephone, and the idea of balance

Notice the graceful movement of the bottom most arm of the mobile, as it glides past the towers on the stump, epitomizing the archetype of multi-tasker mother

Massie's piece, "Untitled" captures the ideal of Scitentist Warrior

The mixed media portrait above, on a found table top, the cabinet below, holing the ephemera of a life well lived

Massie's piece, tucked away on the wall

Meghan's portraits, hung at Marla Duran's

Two of the portraits on the right, using traditionally feminine craft techniques to represent the archetype of Women of War

The three remaining portraits on the left

Meghan's Quilted Portrait "Revolutionary War- Water Woman"

The Quilled Portrait "Civil War - Bandage Rollers"

The Embroidered Portrait " World War I - Red Cross Nurse"

The Knitted Portrait "World War II - Factory Worker"

The Pressed Flowers & Leaves Portrait "Iraq War, Soldier"

The ladies relax, and have an enjoyable moment, once the show is done
Welcome to the neighborhood! Looks GREAT!
ReplyDeleteJanice Lipzin
Director of Visual Arts and Education
Banana Factory