An old man sat in a chair in the Pennsylvania afternoon sun watching over a table strewn with
miscellanea. My favorite kind of junk. When I was
finished my hands were filled with
pocket watches, gears, a compass, a pocket knife, dice - bits and pieces from an imagined childhood. All circles. All gifts from Boo
Radley. A childhood compass from one of my favorite books. A perfect tree hole in the woods (a tree more hole then trunk) begged me to use it and so I am gathering and creating a small second piece for the show. The process takes me back to days when my own pockets were filled with the treasure of a neighborhood
bike ride. Doesn't it make you wonder just who's pocket this was in? Or what lock (still on a door in some
Pennsylvania farm house?) the keys opened?

Secondly, sails are taking shape in the Grey House basement. I began my Indigo dye bath about two weeks ago (a learning process in itself) and here's the first test run. I love this blue. I had imagined something much darker but this is a
pleasant surprise. More like sky. I still have a lot more jeans to cut and dye, a bit of a mountain actually, but I am looking forward to beginning to sew them and seeing the form take shape.
This was my
initial sketch of the sail but I think I may be changing the design. I may be making the front sails (the one's that look like triangles) rather then the main sail. Partly because the amount of jeans I have been able to collect means I have limited material to work with so I think two smaller sails will look better on the lawn then one large sail on a mast. But we'll see. I designed this one with water, earth and sky in mind (the middle section represented the 24 time zones.) I will still probably incorporate that in some way but a little more in the abstract. Oh, dear. Not much time to figure it all out is there?
What amazing treasures Marcie! Looks like things are coming together for you. I can't wait to see...