I was so happy today to take some pictures of my new studio and the piece I am working on for "Archetypes" and I have only just realized that I have no idea where the cord for my camera is. Accordingly, I will upload some random and non pertinent pictures to CATCH YOUR EYE.
As I work with my invented archetype "Scientist/Warrior", I am forced to dig in and define what this means to me. Yes, it's true. I fantasize about a world where people are running around in loin cloths toting 12 foot spears and manufacturing lasers after dinner while reading "A Brief History of Time" but this piece is also about a duality I seek (unconsciously) in my friends and partners. A lustful combination of curiosity about the world, the thirst to acquire know-how, and courageous guts that propel one forward headlong into whatever is coming down the pike. Setting aside my surface level zeal for fighting and my science fiction based interest in HOW THINGS WORK, I am finding the creation of this archetype to be surprisingly relevant in many areas of my life...more later...and now, RANDOM PICTURES!

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