This week marks 3 months since our giant move from Brooklyn to Kingston, Jamaica. It has been a whirlwind of activity to try to get settled and find a groove. Unfortunately, art has been put on the back burner until "the other stuff" gets sorted out. Our To Do List was enormous when we landed and included: enrolling Cy in school, getting Jomo settled in his job, finding a baby doctor, getting our shipment of personal goods from New York, immigration plus all the other stuff that comes generally with figuring out how to get around the new neighborhood to setting up utilities. I'm happy to report that there are really only two big things outstanding on our list...give birth to Baby Q and buy a car. Wednesday I go back to the Immigration Office for the last time to pick up my passport and all the documentation that says, I'm legal...phew! Cy is settled into his new school and has his citizenship certificate making him legit...and Jomo has already received payment for a freelance project he is working on and is happy in his new position. To say I've been preoccupied is an understatement! I'm happy to finally have our stuff which includes lots of art supplies and hopefully everything will have a more or less permanent home by the end of this weekend.
I've been thinking a lot about the new theme, Blue. The Blue Mountains that I see outside my windows are my inspiration. Once Baby Q arrives and the car, I will be making many trips into the mountains to gather materials. Coconut fiber is this amazing thing and I'm excited to get my hands on some! In the meantime, I have been knitting and looking through my art books. There are tons of ideas percolating. It's just a matter of time before there is something tangible to show!

Current project: booties for Baby Q

This is where the magic will eventually happen.

Our towers of art supplies, tools and hardware waiting to find a more permanent home.

Finished art hoping to one day be hung on the walls.
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