Monday, October 5, 2009

Strong Women of Wars

So I've had one of those epiphany moments that wakens you in the night and forces you to write it down. Well, except for the fact that it was an early evening nap, and not at night that I was awoken, but you get the picture.
I want to make 5 pieces for our next show. Each of them will be made using a "traditionally feminine" craft technique: pressed flowers, knitting, quilting, embroidery & quilling. I want these pieces to be portraits of womens' roles during wars and the way they've been "allowed" to change over time. I want to do: The Revolutionary War Water Pitcher Ladies, The Civil War Bandage Rollers, World War I Red Cross Nurses, World War II Factory Workers & The current Iraq War Soldiers.
My plan is to use each of the techniques to make one of the portraits, so right now I am at the point when I searching for good reference images for each of the portraits I'd like to do, as well as searching out the materials I will need and the style for each technique.
I'm really looking forward to our next meeting, in a few weeks, but especially due to the fact that we are planning on visiting the NYS Sheep and Wool Festival in Rhinebeck. I've been wanting to go for years, and couldn't think of a better group to go with. And right about now, it's all you guys you are so supportive, that is making all this job and house stuff easier, Thanks!

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