It seems a good time to begin something new, and so I am happy to introduce The One Stone Women's Art Collective at the Grail. (It's kind of a mouthful, I know.)
We had our second meeting on Saturday, January 10th, and despite the snowstorm, there were six of us in attendance. So let me introduce them:
Those who were not there but who will be participating:
I've tried to add their website where they exist but there will be lots of pictures coming soon.
For as long as I have been out of school I have had various conversations with friends about creating an artist's collective. We daydreamed of barns and garret studios, we spoke of classes and salons, we created shows in our heads, sometimes we even held classes in living rooms but for the most part they never became more then ideas. It's a hard thing to create within the boundaries of work and life. For a lot of us, there just never seems to be enough time or money. The shows I participated in with Katrina and at Rock, Paper, Scissors in Oakland inspired me to keep looking for an opportunity to make some of those daydreams a reality. My decision to stay here at the Grail was in large part due to their commitment to help us get the collective off the ground. Given the green light and the guideline that the members must be women (part of the mission of the Grail is to support women,) Massie and I were unsure at first on how to go about starting this adventure. We turned to the place were the ideas first began; with our friends. I am excited to be working alongside so many amazing artists to create our first show, it's a little intimidating actually. And so, I am busy researching vintage compass quilts, night skies, and tall ships. I look forward to February and the next meeting where I get to see what everyone else has been up to.
- Marcie
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