As I sat drinking coffee in the late autumn sun today, I had a lot of time to reflect on the various new opportunities that are before us as a collective. I'm excited about this new journey and the many people who are supporting our efforts. Although we have yet to decide a specific topic for our next show, I am intriqued with this idea of evolving archetypes. I am particularly interested in exploring the archetypes of Matriarch or Healer/Shaman. I have been rereading my books on feminist theory and Native American studies and have found the recurring theme of 'Thought Woman' or Grandmother Spider...spinner of the people's histories and ceremonies fascinating. I've also been talking with family members and friends who have some revealing information about what happens to family connections when the matriarch is gone. Many have told me that the family literally becomes unraveled. In thinking about these ideas, I've begun to weave a web or net in my studio. It has become mediative and calming to work on. And as I work, I think about my own ceremonies/rituals/traditions and the roles the women in my family have played in keeping them alive.
The second archetype that interests me is the idea of the woman as Healer. I find it interesting that within the family unit, the woman takes on the role of healing/caring for the sick family members but the practice of medicine as a profession is still predominantly male. I'm also curious to explore women's inclination towards wholistic and "natural" healing treatments. I have a number of ideas for sculptures that would explore this theme, but nothing too tangible yet.
Apart from reading, I've also been looking for art images that speak to these ideas as well as critical art writings. Some of my favorite images are by collage artist Romare Bearden in which he evokes the idea of "Conjure Woman". Conjure Woman is a African American concept of Woman Shaman that was prevalent in Southern culture. I've attached some images of his work above.
I'm hoping to have some images of my work posted soon. Until then...peace and wellness...